Presentations, Disco and "Find Mr Huggy!"

The end of Week 4 was exciting as the students got up on stage to present the work that they had been doing for the whole week. We were also shown a drama performance and a dance! The students should be proud of the amazing work that they have produced this week!

Drama at the end of week presentations.

In the evening we had a "Space" themed disco. The students got to wear some face glitter and dance the night away with a few interactive games in-between. We had DJ Rob on for the majority of the night with a special guest appearance from DJ Jeremy!

DJ Rob at the Space Disco

Two students also got awarded a Discovery Summer yo-yo. Once in a while, an Activity Leader may give away a yo-yo to a student that they think has been exceptional, worked hard, joined in with the activities and been a kind friend to others. This week Activity Leader Emma awarded her yo-yo to Carlo for all of the things mentioned above. Activity Leader Bella awarded her yo-yo to Joan!


Congratulations to these two boys for getting the surprise award.

On Saturday we had a variety of activities on offer. There was some aboriginal art, drama games and some bench ball. In the afternoon the students went swimming in the local pool or stayed at Marymount to do some activities.

Aboriginal Art

On Saturday evening, our beloved Mr Huggy went missing! We created an evening activity to help find him. There were tasks all around the campus that when completed, gave away a clue to find more information. The students very much enjoyed this activity and luckily the problems were solved and Mr Huggy was found!! 

Congratulations to the Green Team for winning the challenge and returning Mr Huggy to safety!

Clues to find Mr Huggy

Congratulations to the Green Team for finding Mr Huggy!

Mr Huggy is safe and giving out more hugs to Sofya, Mr Fluffy, the Gruffalo and Yasi!
